The EnGen Solution

Our Growth Engineering model helps you take the guess work out of goal setting within your business.
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EnGen Growth Engineeringâ„ 

A full suite of Services

EnGen's Growth Engineering Model has solutions for businesses in all stages of development from early to matured. We help you find the insights needed to develop strategies and tactics that support scalable, sustainable growth.
Engineered 30-35% ROI gains compared to industry sector performance while navigating dynamic rate environments.
Sustained and scaled the Share of Industry Closed Rate over 8 consecutive years of aggressive growth.
Created a model with 92% accuracy for a 6 month forecast.
Increased volume of accessible leads sector wide from 1.2 million/month to 2.0 million/month.
Outperformed Facebook look-a-like audience, increasing lead volume by 20% while maintaining the same quality.

The EnGen Ecosystem

A full circle solution

We provide opportunities on both ends of the employment spectrum. Our technology is the engine behind our mission to support both the nuerodivergent and partnered businesses.
  • Like-minded individuals
  • Job opportunities
  • Training & education
  • Health & wellness
  • A diverse set of trusted partners

Economic. Social. Solutions.

Grow your business while making a positive impact in society. With our domestic outsourcing solutions, you can increase your bottom line while improving America's future generations.
Understand Your Business Needs
Find Specialized Talent
Ongoing Training for Potential Employee
Long-Term Success + Partnership


Intelligence at Scale

EnGen is revolutionizing the way AI technology does mundane tasks so humans can focus on problem-solving & revenue generating actions.
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EnGen's Mission

For the extraordinary to discover the extraordinary.

We're on a mission to elevate the non-conformists, the sensitive and the free-thinkers standing in society.

Growth Engineer your business.

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